18 Jan 2012

By contrast, more than half of all wind farm proposals had been opposed by members of the Landscape Guardian group, the report noted. CSIRO deputy director (energy technology) Jim Smitham, one of the reviewers of the report, said there was a disconnection between negative and conflict-oriented media coverage about wind farms and the attitude of a majority in the communities where wind farms were proposed or already operating.
''You find more media stories supporting the case against wind farms than those for it,'' he said. ''Whereas, going into the field and doing interviews at community level, they have different reasons but many of them support the wind farm. It just isn't as apparent as the people who are able to find a short sharp reason to reject it.'' Dr Smitham said wind farm developers who consulted with communities and responded to their concerns had achieved far higher acceptance of projects.
The report, Acceptance of Rural Wind Farms in Australia: A Snapshot, was written by CSIRO's social research team. Researchers interviewed wind farm developers, councils, turbine hosts, community opponents and supporters of the projects in the nine locations. wind farm opponents cited negatives such as poor consultation, visual amenity and noise, and supporters cited benefits such as improved roads and firebreaks, clean energy and better local job prospects, the report found.
The debate over noise and health impacts has been a key issue raised by opponents. Several peer-reviewed studies have found no evidence that low-level sound from wind farms makes people sick, but some international studies include self-selected surveys in which people living near wind farms report annoyance and interrupted sleep because of vibrations from the turbine blades.
The CSIRO report noted proposed wind farms can create harmful stress. Landscape Guardians could not be reached for comment yesterday. Anti-wind farm senator John Madigan, of Victoria, said he had received complaints from many who claimed the turbines caused insomnia and other illnesses. He said he would host a series of public forums to air people's concerns.
Some opponents of wind farms claim the noise and vibrations can cause sleep disturbance, migraines, panic attacks and raise the risk of heart disease, though there is little peer-reviewed scientific research to back up the claims.
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