Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Premier supports wind farms

Adelaide Advertiser
23 June 2011, Page: 33

THE Government is examining options to provide certainty for new wind farms in SA after a court disallowed an application because of its impact on visual amenity. Premier Mike Rann told Parliament yesterday the Government was concerned about future wind farm investment after the recent judgment by the Environment, Resources and Development Court. The decision blocked the proposed $175 million Acciona Energy wind farm at Allendale East.

There have also been growing protests from residents in the Mid North about wind farms on the grounds of their possible health dangers. "I note that the visual impact argument was dismissed by the court in an earlier appeal of another wind farm proposal", Mr Rann said. "A large part of our success in building an international reputation for hosting wind investment has been our commitment to making the regulatory environment as certain as possible. The Government will now be considering its options for maintaining that certainty in the light of the court's decisions".