Monday, 23 April 2007

Wind farm threat to rare orchid

Geraldton Guardian
Monday 23/4/2007 Page: 9

A RARE orchid found only in the Mid West is holding up the development of the Kalbarri wind farm. The Northern Dwarfed Spider Orchid is scattered around the Mid West from Northampton to north of Murchison and is so rare it's listed as a threatened species. The orchid is also located on the site where Verve Energy is planning to place its `mini' wind farm, to alleviate some of Kalbarri's power problems.

Verve is planning to install two 1.6 megawatt wind turbines to provide Kalbarri with additional power capabilities. Peter Winner from Verve Energy said the orchid grows 200 metres from the site where the turbines are planned to be built. "There are reported sightings 200 metres from the turbines, but they haven't been seen there for 30 years," he said.

Kelly Gillian from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) said the orchids were scattered around the region and hard to locate. "They (the orchids) are hard to locate and are only found in a few places, most of them have been cleared out," Mr Gillian said. "We need to protect their habitat." Mr Winner said Verve Energy was working with DEC to ensure the development could go ahead as well as protecting the native species.

Mr Gillian said that Verve would now have to seek approval from the Minister's office to go ahead with the development. "Due to the flower's status as a threatened species the company will have to get approval from the Minister, which they are seeking now," he said.

"They have to get permission to clear the land where the orchids grow and permission will be granted if it is deemed that clearing that land will not have a detrimental effect on the species' chance of survival." The wind farm was originally scheduled to be completed by March of this year, however Mr Winner said due to setbacks the building was yet to start. Mr Winner said the latest setback had not lost the project any money, just time, and he expected the farm to be completed in `a couple of months'.