Thursday, 6 April 2006
A PROPOSED $220 million wind farm has been rejected because it may kill one endangered bird a year. Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell said yesterday a 52-turbine installation at Bald Hills, near Foster in South Gippsland, posed an unreasonable risk to the endangered orange-bellied parrot. After the release yesterday of the Wind farm collision risk for birds report, the minister said between 99 and 200 of the parrots were left and most of them lived near the coast, where wind farms were most effective. "While the report found that the impact of wind turbine collisions on the parrot may be small - up to one bird death per year - it concluded almost any negative impact on the species could be sufficient to tip the balance against its continued existence," he said.
The minister's decision comes two days before a Federal Court hearing on the matter, which was instigated by developers Wind Power. "Clearly this process sends a strong message to businesses considering investing in regional and rural Australia and that message is 'you are not welcome'," Wind Power spokesman Tim Fawcett said. State Planning Minister Rob Hulls said Mr Campbell's decision was "a cynical political decision pandering to his mates in the fossil fuel lobby". "There has been no scientific evidence of the orange-bellied parrot on the Bald Hills wind farm site," Mr Hulls said.
The following is the final paragraph of the bird impact report.
"Given that the orange-bellied parrot is predicted to have an extremely high probability of extinction in its current situation, almost any negative impact on the species could be sufficient to tip the balance against its continued existence. In this context it may be argued that any avoidable deleterious effect - even the very minor predicted impacts of turbine collisions - should be prevented. Our analyses suggest that such action will have extremely limited beneficial value to conservation of the parrot without addressing very much greater adverse effects that are currently operating against it."
Which prompts the question... Why should Bald Hills pose a danger to the orange-bellied parrot when the Toora and Wonthaggi windfarms, either side of Bald Hills do not appear to be affecting them?
If you wish to contact Mr Campbell or Mr Broadbent...
Senator the Hon. Ian Campbell Minister for the Environment and Heritage Senator for Western Australia Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6277 7640 Fax: (02) 6273 6101 Email: senator.ian.campbell@aph.gov.au Media Contacts: Renae Stoikos 02 6277 7640 or 0418 568 434 | Mr Russell Broadbent MP PO Box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6277 4233 Fax: (02) 6277 8485 Email: Russell.Broadbent.MP@aph.gov.au Electorate Office Contact Warragul Office: Location/Postal Address: 10A Napier Street Warragul Vic 3820 Tel: (03) 5623 2064 Fax: (03) 5623 2509 |
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