Monday, April 30, 2007

Wind farm decision deferred

Hamilton Spectator
Tuesday 24/4/2007 Page: 5

A DECISION by Moyne Shire Council to grant a permit for the $49 million Salt Creek Wind farm has been deferred at the request of the proponent. Moyne Shire Mayor, Gerald Madden, said it had been deferred until a later time on the basis that the proponent had only in recent days got feedback from the DSE and needed to confer with the DSE.

NewEn Australia project manager. Grant Flynn, said the company, which is the wind farm proponent, had only received the proposed planning permit conditions from the DSE on Good Friday and needed to respond by Easter Tuesday. "We'll have a meeting with the DSE and shire next week," Mr Flynn said.

The wind farm would consist of 13 to 15 wind turbines and would generate approximately 29.9 megawatts, which would be three per cent of Victoria's renewable energy target. With regards to the Woolsthorpe Wind Farm, the Council has rejected a recommendation from the planning department to forward a submission of the proposal to the planning minister.

The council sent a submission to the Minister for Planning, Justin Madden, that it does not support the wind farm in its current form. The decision was made on the basis that council felt there was an over proliferation of turbines for the site, they were concerned that three turbines located 60m from the Woolsthorpe-Heywood Rd could cause shadow flicker on the road which might be dangerous for motorists and the proximity of turbines to neighbouring boundaries caused concern. "We would hope the Minister will take note of our concerns." Cr Madden said.

Wind Farm Development project manager, Jonathan Upson, said he was certainly very disappointed that the council had taken its decision but they will take the concerns of council and the three objectors on board and try to at least partly address them. The decision to go-ahead with the wind farm will ultimately be made by the Victorian Government. The proposed $85 million development consists of 20 turbines and will generate 40 megawatts of energy and Mr Upson said on an open day a large number of people supported the project.

Wind Farm Developments have approached the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review a separate permit application regarding the removal of native grasses which for the construction of a distribution line for the wind farm after no decision to grant the permit was made in 60 days.