Monday, April 30, 2007

Helping China the way ahead

Australian Financial Review
Friday 27/4/2007 Page: 74

China has opted to delay indefinitely the release of its climate change action plan, maintaining that economic growth and development are its first priorities in a wake-up call to the world that says developing countries will not simply fall into line with Western governments' plans for a post-Kyoto emissions regime. China is key to any post-Kyoto Protocol agreement, with the country likely to surpass the US in the next two years as the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter. China is a signatory to Kyoto, but is not subject to any reduction targets because it is a developing country. It has also said it wants to be involved in the formulation of any new agreement.

This week's announcement from Beijing is a reality check for future negotiations. On this issue, China and Australia share interests, as they are respectively the world's biggest user and producer of coal, and the world's biggest exporter of coal. The Australian government is attempting to work with China to help it reduce emissions, and improve energy efficiency; China is one of the most inefficient energy users in the world.

China's massive economic growth means it is critical to any future planning; if it refuses to comply with emissions targets, those targets are meaningless. Australia's offer to help with efficiency and clean-coal programs is a good start, but more countries must be involved in the efforts.