Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sarah Laurie: doctoring the truth about wind power

10 Apr 2013

Sarah Laurie* is CEO and primary spokesperson for the Waubra Foundation, an anti-wind power campaigning group based a long way from Waubra with tight links to Australia's fossil fuels industry and well-off people fighting proposed wind farms near their rural idylls. Formerly a GP, Ms. Laurie has been non-practicing and de-registered longer than she was practicing, but has taken up anti-wind lobbying to fill the void. Due to her active spreading of disinformation, she's up for the Australian Skeptics Society's annual Bent Spoon award for 2013.

On March 20th, Ms. Laurie appeared as a guest of Bill Padley on Let's Talk on Talk Radio Europe (full transcript at the end of this article). Let's see if her interview provides any clues on why she might get that Bent Spoon.

For those unfamiliar with this Talk Radio Europe, it was founded to provide the sounds of home to people from England with vacation and retirement properties on the coasts of Spain. Other guests of this particular program have included well-known present and past climate change denialists including James Delingpole and Bjorn Lomborg and some lesser knowns including Johnny Ball (episode title: Beware the global warming fascist). Oddly, Lord Christopher Monckton is missing, perhaps because he keeps touring other parts of the world with swastikas.

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