Monday, November 26, 2012

Wind farm blows some good for firefighters
16 Nov 2012

The operators of a South Australian wind farm say it may have provided important information for fighting the bushfire near Port Lincoln. The Cathedral Rocks wind farm was near the fireground, and its operator, EnergyAustralia, says wind farms collect data including wind speed and direction. Steve Brown says his company gave the information to the Country Fire Service and believes it was helpful in the overall effort, particularly with wind change.

"It's important for the CFS to know when the wind is going to change, because you can imagine, they can be fighting a fire on a one-km front and it might have a ten-km tail, but if the wind changes, then it suddenly becomes a ten-km front", he said. "And the sooner they know about that, the more ready they can be to fight it, but perhaps more importantly get out of its way".