Monday, February 13, 2012

Wind raises important issues
9 Feb 2012

A Joint Regional Planning Panel will shortly look at the feasibility of the proposed wind farm at Twofold Bay. They will need to consider some important issues. The visual impact of a wind farm located on an iconic piece of South Coast wilderness coast is an important issue, and concerns from the Eden community need to be carefully considered. If the Planning Panel considers that the visual impact is too great, then the wind farm development will look for another location for their wind farm.

A particular concern of the proposed Eden wind farm is the threat to sea eagles. If an expert assessment suggests there is significant risk to these birds, then the development should not proceed. Tourism is a vital industry for Eden and the Planning Panel should look at the Australian experience of coastal wind farms. The evidence suggests Australian coastal wind farms attract tourists, in some cases in large numbers. The Codrington wind farm in Victoria, for example currently attracts 50,000 visitors per year.

The Planning Panel also needs to look carefully at the health risks of wind farms. If they confine their search to the peer reviewed literature, there would seem to be very little concern about so called 'wind farm syndrome'. A recent Australian report by the National Health and Medical Research Council concluded that "there is currently no published scientific evidence to positively link wind turbines with adverse health effects".

The UK's Health Protection Agency reviewed the evidence on inaudible low frequency vibration (infrasound) and concluded: "The available data does not suggest that exposure to infrasound below the hearing threshold levels is capable of causing adverse effects". There have been a range of concerns raised by those opposed to the wind farm development that need to be addressed. There has been an attempt by some to vilify the wind industry which is disappointing. There have been several attempts to portray wind developers as untrustworthy, living in mansions in faraway exclusive suburbs. That attitude does not lead to constructive debate.

From an occupational health and safety perspective, wind is a far safer form of energy than natural gas, coal or nuclear power. There is no evidence at all to suggest wind farms interfere with whale migration. Investment in wind farms, along with other forms of renewable energy and natural gas will allow Australia to strategically phase out coal fired power stations over the next couple of decades.

If the Joint Regional Planning Panel decides to approve the Eden wind farm, it will be an important development for the Far South Coast. It will help our region move towards a 50/50 by 2020 target which will make the Far South Coast an example for other regions, and will help preserve our wilderness coast. If they decide against the proposal, then we need to accept the decision and look at other ways in which our region can show leadership.

Matthew Nott