Friday, August 19, 2011

Fund studies, not schemes, says Windsor

Sydney Morning Herald
15 August 2011, Page: 1

AUSTRALIA should concentrate its clean energy funding on research, the federal independent MP Tony Windsor says, rather than controversial schemes such as "pink batts or cash for clunkers". Mr Windsor, a member of the government's multi-party climate change committee, spent last week researching clean energy facilities and policy-making in Europe, including an inspection of Torresol Energy's 20 MW Gemasolar power station near Seville, Spain.

Gemasolar uses 2650 mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays on to the top of a central "power tower" and heat salt to more than 500°. The molten salts store heat that is slowly released to power a steam turbine, generating enough electricity for 25,000 households. Last month, Gemasolar became the first solar thermal power station to supply electricity into the grid for 24 hours including throughout the night a key test for solar power's ability to provide baseload power.

Mr Windsor visited the facility with Ross Garnaut, a climate change adviser, and Matthew Wright, head of Beyond Zero Emissions, a think-tank which proposed last year the extensive use of baseload solar power in its stationary energy plan to re-power Australia with 100% renewable energy. Mr Windsor said the Gemasolar plant was "an incredible sight". "I was in the vehicle with the project manager, Santiago [Arias], and when we drove in, we drove down this track between the reflectors.

The tower was some hundred yards away as we started this drive and I made the point, 'we're driving into our future here', and we really are! "I have no doubt that this sort of stuff is where we should be going". Mr Windsor's tour took in a full range of renewable and low emissions technologies that could receive funding from the multi-party climate committee's proposed clean energy finance corporation, which will provide $10 billion of debt and equity finance, and loan guarantees.

Irrespective of the type of clean energy technology to be funded, Mr Windsor said, "If there's one thing I've learnt out of this trip, [it is] if you've got a bucket of money, put it into research,.. rather than pink batts or cash for clunkers". He said Australia should work with countries such as Spain where there is "real research and refinement going on", not in the laboratory but "in the field". "Get out there and learn. You can see how they've piggybacked off their past endeavours".