Saturday, July 23, 2011

Master of the scare tactic blows it again

Sydney Morning Herald
20 July 2011, Page: 12

Tony Abbott continues his anticarbon tax crusade, this time frightening a room full of pensioners with the lie that Chinese emissions would increase by 500% at the same time as Australia was reducing emissions by 5% ("Abbott pans own 'crazy' pollution target", July 19).

According to estimates by the BP oil group, Chinese emissions of CO₂ in 2009 amounted to 7.5 billion tonnes. According to British climate change expert Nicholas Stern, based on Chinese emissions reduction plans, annual carbon emissions will be 12 billion tonnes by 2020.

By my calculations, this is a little short of 500%. I have just returned from Beijing. Yes, the place has a near permanent smoke haze. But almost every motor bike on the streets was electric. A wind turbine generator is installed every minute. Seven of the top 10 solar panel companies are Chinese.

Pro green propaganda is posted up on supermarket walls. If Tony Abbott and the anticarbon tax forces are allowed to continue to preach misinformation and lies to easily frightened, vulnerable and ignorant voters unchallenged, we maybe doomed to fall well behind the future world's leader in carbon reduction.

Glen op den Brouw, Liverpool