Monday, July 4, 2011

How wind power can save farms

28 June 2011, Page: 14

WHAT about a Senate inquiry into the health effects of not building wind farms? Rural Danish communities are dying for the same reasons as rural Australian ones are: farmers are abandoning uneconomic farms; without employment, young families and working age adults are relocating to the cities; and without the population to support them, medical infrastructure has collapsed and schools, banks and village businesses are closing.

Danish government policies expedite approval selling excess energy from their community owned wind farm, many social problems are resolved. A recent documentary featured wind power in Denmark, a world leader in this.

Replying to a question about the consequences of locating a wind farm close to his village, a resident put it succinctly: "Compared to bankruptcy, depression, substance abuse, domestic violence, family breakdowns, loss of community and suicide? - negligible"

Tim Hughes, Kensington