Friday, February 11, 2011

Missing out on benefits

The Saturday Age
5 February 2011, Page: 23

Julia Gillard tells us a carbon price will drive another sweeping technological revolution ("Labor's plan to tackle emissions", Online, 3/2). Unfortunately, this revolution will occur in other countries. The government continues to discriminate against local investment in voluntary emission cuts through energy efficiency, many forms of renewable energy, and waste management.

For example, I will spend $500 and cut emissions by making my house more energy efficient, this simply leaves more room under our Kyoto cap (and future trading cap) for other emitters to pollute more. Any business, household or government agency that wants to make a difference to global emissions through these actions must buy certified "additional" permits from overseas. It is perverse that the government is disempowering Australians.

At least the government gave some ground. Under its proposed carbon farming initiative, emission abatement through farming and agriculture will make a difference.

Alan Pears, Brighton