Saturday, June 5, 2010

Czech Republic, Taiwan Building Massive Solar Plants
May 27, 2010

Taiwan and the Czech Republic are taking huge strides in the "green" world by building large-scale solar power plants in Tainan, Taiwan and the South Moravian farming village of Moravsky Zizkov in an effort to reduce CO2 emissions. Taiwan Power Co., a state-run power company, is building a 5MW solar plant to both decrease carbon emissions and reduce their dependence on imported energy needs, which is currently at 99 percent.

Lawmakers in Taiwan approved the Renewable Energy Development Act in June 2009. Since that time, Taiwan Power Co. has been building solar stations and wind turbines in order to reach the goal of having renewable energy account for 15 percent of the island's electricity capacity by 2025. As of April of this year, Taiwan has reached 5.7 percent of this goal.

No costs or figures for the solar plant are available yet, but according to Tu Yueh-yuan, a chief engineer of Taiwan's biggest electricity producer, the budget will not be a problem. While Taiwan's largest solar plant is in the making, the Czech Republic already has a solar station covering an area of more than 28,000 m and delivering an output of 1.2MWs that was completed in December of last year. Kyocera, a company with 35 years of experience in solar industry, has supplied 8,960 solar modules for the power plant. The plant can supply energy for 280 households per year from sunlight, which reduces 1,150 tons of carbon emissions.

This region of the Czech Republic receives many hours of sunlight, hence, a high annual electricity yield of 1.3 million kW hours is expected from this solar station. While Nelumbo is one of the most experienced companies in solar thermal power in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, they handed the production of this solar plant over to Kyocera because of their high performance installation and quality modules.