Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Denialists getting desperate with distortions

Blair Donaldson
Tue, Dec 8, 2009

By now most people will know that leaders from almost all nations are meeting in Copenhagen to try and find some practical methods to tackle climate change.

While it's unlikely any set protocol will be formalised, it will be one more step on the long path to genuine action in combating anthropogenic climate change.

So, we should not be surprised that denialists are working overtime to sow seeds of doubt in the minds of the ill informed and those who wish to pretend that climate change is a myth. Unfortunately they are being aided and abetted by the more irresponsible members of the fourth estate, particularly hacks from the Murdoch stable.

The latest "proof" of a world conspiracy on climate change is of course the much trumpeted stolen e-mails which have been selectively released and quote mined by breathless climate change denialists.

For a little background and a more reasoned explanation of what really happened and what the e-mails were actually discussing, please look at the following YouTube videos:

Smacking the Hack Attack
Climate Change -- Those hacked e-mails


Lloyd Morcom said...

Ah Blair, if only we could blame these troglodytes for the failure to deal with climate change! Unfortunately a large percentage of the population are hurrying us all along the path to the cliff's edge, talking all the while about fixing the problem but all unwilling to let go their investments both material and psychological which are leading us to the brink.

Our politicians are merely the sensitive measurers of this mass hypocrisy, bending all their talents to saying one thing while doing another, which is what the majority wants them to do.