Monday, September 28, 2009

Solar energy to be used in vehicle charging stations
September 23, 2009

Solar energy is continuing to play a growing role when it comes to transportation issues, with one company having announced plans to use the technology for recharging electric vehicles. This week, SolarCity announced a partnership with Rabobank that is expected to result in the creation of the world's first solar energyed electric car charging corridor. The plan calls for four recharging stations to be developed between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Along with allowing electric vehicles to make the journey using 100% solar energy, the company also indicated that the charge time is expected to be the fastest now available - cutting current recharge times by about one-third. "We're combining clean, renewable solar energy with all-electric transportation, allowing drivers to travel through California with zero emissions," said SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive. The plan is being developed in coordination with Tesla Motors, which has gained national media attention for its electric powered vehicles. SolarCity noted in its announcement that it has already installed over 100 home charging stations for Tesla drivers that run on solar energy.