Friday, May 22, 2009

It’s time for WA’s solar industry to shine

Clean Energy Council
22 May 2009

The Barnett Government's commitment to fund a gross feed-in tariff (GFiT) for households that generate energy from photovoltaic (PV) panels will deliver much-needed security to the state's growing solar industry. "We welcome the WA government's progress towards a GFiT that will see householders rewarded for all the energy produced by their solar panels," said Matthew Warren, chief executive, Clean Energy Council (CEC).

"We look forward to working with the government on the development of this important policy and urge them to publish the final details of the scheme as soon as is possible," he said. Mr Warren said this is a crucial time in policy development for Australia's clean energy industry with the Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation set to pass through parliament in the coming weeks.

"It's important that the industry continues to remain focussed on ensuring governments deliver on driving accelerated development of this fast emerging industry as quickly as possible," he said. The CEC has more than 1000 accredited installers, both big and small, who will play a significant role in deploying these new solar systems across Western Australian households, developing the new green jobs market and reducing national greenhouse emissions.