Thursday, February 26, 2009

New bid to revive hydrogen buses

West Australian
Monday 23/2/2009 Page: 4

WA was failing to lead the way in clean, green public transport systems by not using emission-free hydrogen fuel-cell buses, green groups and a sustainable transport think-tank said yesterday. A three-year, $13 million trial of the buses ended in September 2007 and they were taken off the road.

The Department for Planning and Infrastructure said last year that the trial showed the technical feasibility and public acceptance of hydrogen fuel-cell buses but commercial viability and getting low greenhouse emission sources of hydrogen were big hurdles. Conservation Council WA director Piers Verstegen said yesterday that with oil running out it was in WA's interests to be a leader in clean transport technology such as hydrogen, which could be produced from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.

Sustainable Transport Coalition of WA spokesman Glen Head said the technology, which was being used more in cities such as London and Vancouver, had promise. Mr Head said though the fuel-cells needed to be imported, cost issues would never be resolved until more governments invested in the technology. Transport Minister Simon O'Brien said hydrogen bus technology still had some way to go before it was a viable alternative. The $2 million to $3 million cost per bus was far more than $500,000 for a bus of the existing fleet.