Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jobs boom in the wind

Herald Sun
Wednesday 29/10/2008 Page: 23

Jobs boomEFFECTS of the economic downturn could be offset by more than 200,000 new jobs in solar, wind and geothermal energy in coming decades. Treasury modelling of the potential growth in alternative emissions technology due out soon suggests there will be growth of 2900 per cent (around 30 times what it is today) by 2050. This estimate is based on government taking action to increase renewable energy as an alternative to coal.

Even if the Government takes no action, the Treasury says the sector will grow 17 times its current size by 2050. Based on current estimates of around 10,000 jobs in the green energy sector, a 3000 per cent growth rate should equate to hundreds of thousands of new jobs, according to government analysis.

The Rudd Government has pledged to deliver 20 per cent of Australia's energy consumption in renewables by 2020 - a goal that will require massive investment in alternative energy sources. The Government is also banking on the emergence of carbon capture-and-storage technology to permit continuing use of abundant coal. The modelling came as the Opposition increased the pressure on the Rudd Government to delay its carbon emissions scheme in the light of the global economic crisis.

Shadow industry minister Eric Abetz said: At a time when businesses are struggling to stay afloat, when many have empty order books ... Labor's blind push to implement the emissions trading scheme by 2010 is economic madness." Senator Abetz said the push for a carbon emissions scheme was also without any reference to the economic crisis. "In its headlong rash to implement an emissions trading scheme in the face of the worst economic conditions for decades, Labor will further tax Australian industry," he said.