Friday, August 15, 2008

Clean energy industry supports 2010 start to carbon reduction

Clean Energy Council
16 July 2008

NATIONAL: The Clean Energy Council said today that complementary policies will cushion the cost of emissions trading; and that the federal government's green paper outlining their carbon pollution reduction scheme is an important next step in developing Australia's climate change policy framework. The Council supports the 2010 carbon pollution reduction scheme (CBRS) start date and welcomes the inclusion of as many industries as possible, with others added when reliable data becomes available.

Rob Jackson, General Manager-Policy, said: "The Clean Energy Council supports a program for carbon pollution reduction, and highlights the need for complementary measures such as the 20% renewable energy target, a strong energy efficiency strategy, R&D funding and a plan for the upgrade of transmission infrastructure across the nation." "These policies will provide the investment certainty industry has been waiting for to invest in Australia's low carbon future."

"A comprehensive framework of carbon pollution reduction policies will lead to economy-wide opportunity, billions in new investment, accelerating innovation and tens of thousands of new jobs. "While these complementary measures will be critical in cushioning the cost of carbon pollution reduction, further transitional support for business, communities and individuals will also be essential." The Clean Energy Council looks forward to working with the federal government in the further development of the White Paper due later this year.