Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Waubra Wind Farm on track

Hepburn Shire Advocate
Wednesday 30/4/2008 Page: 6

Waubra Wind Farm will begin feeding wind power into the electricity grid within months. In January this year, Acciona Energy erected its first wind turbines at Waubra. Since then, many more have become visible on the hills on Ballarat's outskirts. In total, 128 turbines will be erected across 173 square kilometres and will produce more than enough energy to power Ballarat. The $450 million wind farm is the largest being built in the southern hemisphere and is expected to be operational mid year.

The electrical works and grid connection are due to be completed, with part of the project able to feed into the grid while the rest of the turbines are being erected. The company expects all 128 turbines to be connected to the grid and commissioned by the end of the year. All wind turbines will be tested before they start operating and producing electricity.