Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lal Lal wind farm bid

Ballarat Courier
Tuesday 1/4/2008 Page: 3

A PLANNING application for a 64-turbine wind farm at Lal Lal has been lodged. WestWind Energy lodged the application last month and is awaiting the State Government's planning process. The project is made up of two sections, with 40 turbines to be built near Yendon and 24 turbines near Elaine. The wind farm will potentially produce enough energy to power 75,000 households.

Community liaison manager Angela Sutcliffe said it was likely the proposal would go to a planning panel for consideration before a decision was made. She expected it would follow a similar process to the company's Mt Mercer Wind Farm which received approval in April last year. If Lal Lal Wind Farin is approved, it will potentially mean another two wind farms in the Ballarat region, which will mean a bit of impact the Ballarat and region communities can have on addressing climate change," Ms Sutcliffe said. "It's an exciting possibility from our point of view, and we are really supportive of the open planning process."