Thursday, March 6, 2008

Praise for community

Scone Advocate
Thursday 28/2/2008 Page: 3

PROPONENTS of the proposed Kyoto Energy Park, Pamada Pty Ltd, have expressed their thanks to the estimated 200 people who attended the Community Information Day held last week in Scone. Pamada Director Mark Sydney, said he was very pleased that residents had taken the opportunity to learn first hand about the Energy Park. "From those that did attend it is obvious that most residents, even those opposed to this proposal, are supportive of renewable energy and sustainability," Mr Sydney said.

Mr Sydney said he was aware some residents were concerned about possible impacts of the wind turbines, and that was why the company had specialists looking at aspects such as noise, impacts in wildlife and visual amenity. "To make definite comments before these studies have concluded would be premature," Mr Sydney said.

In response to questions regarding the proposed site, Mr Sydney said the NSW Sustainable Energy and Development Authority (SEDA), identified the location in 1995 as one of 11 sites in NSW highly suitable for the generation of electricity from wind. "The project is still very much in progress and as part of the continuing investigation phase we are consulting with residents so that the community's comments can be taken into consideration," Mr Sydney said.