Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Green power encouraged

Kalgoorlie Miner
Tuesday 23/10/2007 Page: 3

GOLDFIELDS residents have been encouraged to show their support for renewable energy sources by starting small with their own electricity bill. Energy Minister Francis Logan announced yesterday that Synergy would offer "green energy" to householders in $10 blocks. Mr Logan said each block of EasyGreen was the environmental equivalent to leaving a family car in the garage for five months in an average Perth home. "Customers now have the opportunity to spend an extra $10 per bill on green energy, which is equivalent to 227kWh of accredited green power," Mr Logan said. "$20 would allow them to buy a 455kWh block." Outback Energy Supply proprietor Jim Thomson said an additional $10 should be affordable enough for most Goldfields householders to reduce their greenhouse emissions.

He said supporting renewable energy in its current form would lead to more availability in the future. "For the price of a can of Jim Beam and Coke and a beer for your partner you can save the equivalent greenhouse emissions of having your car in a garage for five months," Mr Thomson said. "The more people who take it up, the more the energy that's already being produced is utilised and they will have to build more sources." He also encouraged residents to visit for more ways to reduce greenhouse emissions from their homes.

EasyGreen is sourced mostly from wind energy and available to Kalgoorlie-Boulder residents now.