Sunday, September 23, 2007

Smart buildings save cool $38bn

Australian Financial
Monday 17/9/2007

The Australian Conservation Foundation and the Property Council of Australia have welcomed a landmark study that reveals that the country's built environment has the potential to make a substantial difference to greenhouse gas emissions. The report, 'Capitalising on the building sector's potential to lessen the costs of a broad based GHG emissions cut', was commissioned by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, prepared by the Centre for International Economics, and endorsed by the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, among others. The study reveals that energy efficiencies in key parts of the built environment can its reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent to 35 per cent. The report says this could bring down the cost of recommended reductions in emissions by about $38 billion.


iODyne said...

Hi and commendations.

I just found your blog by accident.

I keep voting Green at elections without getting any Green politicians for my effort.

I think trees are precious and am in favour of anything that doesn't hurt animals.

Onward and Upward!

GFFG said...

Thanks Helena, your comments are appreciated. Don't give up, eventually enough people will get the message - hopefully sooner rather than later. Write again.