Friday, February 23, 2007

Climate is right for change

East Gippsland News
Wednesday 21/2/2007 Page: 8

The lights have finally become bright on the Issue of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change sceptics have become less vocal and it now seems that everyone from industry, to State and Federal political leaders have become advocates for greenhouse gas reduction and are seeking action to address the impact of global warming. Finally, it seems, we have a logical scapegoat for many of the failures of our societies.

Our society has become more demanding, consumptive and mobile and we have become almost totally insulated from the impact that almost every action we take has on the environment. We save costs on our house construction and lot size by reducing the roof area and eves. This causes most houses to get full sun on most walls in summer, in turn requiring a good air conditioner to keep them cool.

The ability to turn on a tap and drink makes water seem like an infinite resource. It disappears down the sink and is carted away and we don't see the impact. The push for cheaper produce and imported products drives agricultural production costs and prices down, which impacts financially on how farmers can manage the land.

It is not until the impact of our actions starts to directly cost us personally that we, as a society, start to consider the impact of our actions, for example fuel prices start to rise due to production shortages; water starts running out because we have not managed our usage or planned for dry periods; all of the air conditioners are turned on in Victoria at once plunging most of the state into darkness.

During these times, it's good to have someone else to blame. Opposition political parties blame governments, governments blame industry (or other governments). The reality is we are all to blame for our consumption and usage of power and water and our natural resources. We must get wiser.

Politics being politics, change is slow and has lagged behind public opinion. We still have two political parties in Victoria opposing wind farms and other renewable power. The Federal Government is still reluctant to implement a market mechanism to put a value on emissions when most of the industries impacted are calling for it.

The leaders and developers of Australians solar technology have gone overseas because of the lack of support. Geothermal, tidal and other alternative technology power industries have almost come to a halt through lack of support and the size and low cost of our coal and other fossil fuel industries.

In the meantime, it's up to individuals to do their bit. Educate our children so that future generations become wiser... and hope our governments will catch up.