Tuesday, November 14, 2006

When only the best will do

Denmark Bulletin
Thursday 9/11/2006 Page: 2

The Denmark Community Windfarm got some unexpected world-class support recently, from renowned ecologist Dr David Suzuki, during his visit to Perth as part of a world tour to talk about sustainability and environmental challenges.

Denmark resident and DCW member Joanne Carter, who is currently studying at UWA, managed to collar Dr Suzuki after his talk and ask him about wind energy. He said the proposed windfarm was an opportunity for action on behalf of future generations.

Though debate was healthy, opposition was sometimes misguided and polarised communities unnecessarily. It was worth remembering that "if we lose the Earth, we lose everything".

It was a tragedy that Australia was not capitalising on its abundant renewable resources,such as wind and solar energy. In much of Europe significant steps have been taken for years to reduce reliance of fossil fuels, with wind now a major contributor to the energy mix - and reaping profits.

Dr Suzuki said the Australian government's position on the Kyoto Protocol was embarrassing and a "bogus argument": If the biosphere is wrecked, it will not be done by those who couldn't give a damn about it - they now belong to a diminishing minority. It will be destroyed by nice, well meaning, cosmopolitan people who accept the case for cutting emissions, but who won't change the way they live

... Politicians won't jump until the rest of us do, (so) do you really want to stop climate chaos, or do you just want to feel better about yourself? - George Monbiot, The Guardian, 21/9/06