Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Construction begins on wind farm

Ballarat Courier
Friday 17/11/2006 Page: 5

CONSTRUCTION has begun on the first stage of Waubra's $400 million wind farm.

Energy Industries and Resources Minister Theo Theophanous yesterday launched construction on the project, which will save 635,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

"Construction of the Waubra wind farm will initially involve 50 jobs, but this number could eventually rise to 200 jobs for local contractors and employees, from road workers to concreters, fence builders to electricians," he said.

"The start of this important project is great news for the Ballarat region, with most of the jobs going to local subcontractors and employees." Spanish company Acciona Energy has announced Leightons Contractors will begin civil works on the site as part of a $40 million contract, while Portland company Keppel Prince will supply the steel assemblies for the concrete foundations.

But Mr Theophanous warned the project may be halted if the Liberal Party was elected and carried out its threat to abolish the Victorian Renewable Energy Target.

"The Liberal Party has promised to scrap VRET, the Bracks Government's renewable energy policy that supports the industry and supports the Waubra wind farm." The government's Victorian Renewable Energy Target plans to cut 27 million tonnes of green house gas emissions by requiring energy companies to buy 10 per cent of their electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydro-electricity.

Ripon MLA Joe Helper said it was crucial for the Waubra wind farm that the VRET scheme stayed in place. "Only a re-elected Bracks Labor Government will keep VRET and ensure that there are even more renewable energy jobs in this area in the future," he said.

Opposition, energy and resources spokesman Philip Davis failed to return, calls to The Courier yesterday.