Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Taking power with Clean Energy

September 28th 2006

While Magnetic Islanders are eagerly anticipating the Solar City trial a very effective way of reducing our fossil fuel footprint has been available for several years. It is Ergon's renewable energy program, Clean Energy.

A Townsville-based mother, Tanya Korn, turned an environmental negative into a positive by signing her family up for the program seven years ago. Tanya is one of the company's longest subscibers for Clean Energy. She thinks it is electricity consumers - residents and businesses - who really hold the power.

“As consumers, we can make choices—sustainable choices—that have a positive effect on the environment,” Ms Korn said. “Cleaner air and a healthier environment are the results of using renewable energy.” “By subscribing to Clean Energy, I am not only helping to conserve resources but reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Ms Korn said the long-term environmental benefits for future generations are priceless.

“When I heard about Clean Energy, I felt socially and morally obligated to sign up.” “I don’t even notice the amount we pay for Clean Energy on our quarterly bill, so it is obviously not hurting my hip pocket!”

Ergon Energy's Manager Regional Service Paul Ryan said customers can purchase Clean Energy from as little as $10 extra on their quarterly bills, which equates to about 10 cents per day.

“Our Clean Energy customers are paying for cleaner and renewable energy resources such as wind, by-products of sugar cane, macadamia nut shells, solar power and hydro-electricity, instead of fossil fuels,” Mr Ryan said.

“With almost 8500 residential and business Clean Energy customers, one fifth of all regional Queensland customers, North Queensland is helping to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“As a nation, more than 75 per cent of the electricity we use comes from coal, compared to 14 per cent natural gas and one per cent oil. Only eight per cent comes from renewable sources, so we can all do more,” he said.

Ergon Energy customers can purchase Clean Energy from as little as $10 extra on their quarterly bills, which equates to about 10 cents per day.

“To date, Ergon Energy's renewable energy programs have saved over 500,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. This is equivalent to planting more than two million trees,” he said.

To subscribe to Clean Energy from Ergon Energy, call 13 10 46.