Monday, September 18, 2006

Heard it on the grape vine

Yarram Standard News
Wednesday 13/9/2006 Page: 2


IT has to be said sometimes it feels there is a secret society when it comes to the proposed Devon North wind farm issue.

As with any issue the local community is faced with, the Yarram Standard News has endeavoured to give a voice to all parties involved.

On one side you have the Devon North concerned residents opposed to the wind industry actively keeping the Standard informed.

On the other side the developer and property owner who has agreed to the wind farm and has been less than willing to talk to the Standard.

In fact the Yarram Standard News has tried to give the other side of the story and the positive benefits to the community of a wind farm on numerous occasions but have come up against a brick wall.

It has to be said not only does the wind company involved not want to speak to the Standard News it has accused us of being biased and unethical and took its case to the Australian Press Council. Surprise, surprise the council found the Standard News had not done anything wrong and the case was dismissed.

The Devon North concerned residents opposed to the wind industry have been actively keeping their local newspaper informed with the latest developments, their concerns, worries and heart wrenching personal tales and meetings.

The residents fighting this Devon North wind farm have been open and honest. You have to think to yourself who wouldn't be worried when faced with the very real tear these gigantic wind industry towers could well be erected and threaten your livelihood, health and ability to even on sell your property.

Premier Bracks himself said he is all for wind farms but not in Williamstown. So the Premier doesn't want the turbines in his backyard but it is alright to stick them in the picturesque countryside at Devon North or for that matter it seems anywhere in Gippsland.

Residents are concerned that their piece of paradise may well be destroyed and are looking for some indication from their Wellington Shire Councillors.

On Monday the
Wellington Shire Councillors toured the Toora wind farm along with a couple of South Gippsland Shire councillors. After lunching at the Yarram Country Club the Wellington Shire Councillors and shire officers headed off on their mini bus to view the site of the proposed Devon North wind farm.

The Yarram Standard News found out about the tour on the grape vine and checked this information out with shire CEO Mark Vitlin. After discussion with councillors Mr Vitlin said it would be alright if the Yarram Standard News attend.

Mr Vitlin made it quite clear that none of the councillors would be commenting to the press but photos would be permitted. He said this was just a fact finding tour for councillors.

The Yarram Standard News covered the Toora visit but was totally left like a shag on a rock when it came to a tour of the Devon North proposed wind farm site.

The Standard discovered the Shire mini bus on 1-lelleren's property but the councillors had all zoomed off in tour wheel drives to inspect the site even though they knew the Yarram Standard News was more than willing to cover this event.

What is going on, the press is left high and dry, even one of the councillors running a little late Cr Darren McCubbin was left behind and had to physically hike up the hills in search of the council party. The Shire did come to the party and assist the Standard with a selection of their photos for which we are most grateful.

Just consider this for a moment the concerned residents are left out of the local wind farm tour, not even informed councillors would be coming to town and the pro wind farm camp is not willing to talk to the press.

It does seem like there is no community consultation at all. All we can now hope for is the National Wind Farm Code being established and the concerned Devon North residents may be heard around the hills yelling, 'BRING IT ON".

Devon North concerned residents and the Yarram Standard News look forward to the Wellington Shire Council showing its hand and letting the local community know exactly where it stands. It is expected some announcement will be made soon.