Friday, March 31, 2006

Renewable Energy For Hopetoun

Warracknabeal Herald, Page: 1
Tuesday, 28 March 2006

THE Yarriambiack Shire Council has given its support to the University of Ballarat's proposal, to research the capacity of community-owned renewable energy generation for Hopetoun, particularly from wind power. A report from the shire's Economical Development Officer Terry Sanders, stated the Yarriambiack Shire will be working with the University of Ballarat who will be conducting the study, and the Hopetoun Progress Association. Mr Sanders informed councillors at the March meeting that after meeting with the relevant bodies involved, the proposed three year feasibility study will survey Hopetoun's current and projected power demand. The study will also collect wind speed data, investigate potential alternative renewable energy technologies, research waste management needs and practice and investigate potential sustainable industries for Hopetoun.

An application has been submitted to the Victorian Government's "Sustainability Fund" and it will take about three months to process. For the University of Ballarat to start the study, the Yarriambiack Shire has offered them access to office facilities in Hopetoun, a car. office staff and people from the engineering industry to assist with the technical aspects of the study. The University of Ballarat initiated the study about 12 months ago because they wanted towns in northern Victoria especially smaller towns, to consider the option of using alternative energy sources, including wind power and solar energy. By starting the project in Hopetoun, Mr Sanders said the University is hoping other towns in the area will also consider it and the University of Ballarat plans on developing a template for other communities to apply in such studies.